Glamour Boutique

Crossdresser Tips for Being More Sexy

tips for being sexy

We all want to feel sexy, look sexy and just plain be sexy. Often times we find ourselves in our own heads wondering if we are sexy enough. Sometimes just little changes to our appearance or our overall presentation can go a long way to helping our sex appeal. We wanted to give our girls some useful advice on being sexier and while we could be here all day with a loooong list of tips, we came up with 8 that we feel are a great starting point.

Select a Flattering Wig – Choosing a wig for yourself is so important. We can write a bunch of articles just on wig selection alone. But to put it in a nutshell, choose a wig that compliments your facial features, while feminizing you as well. Select a hairstyle that makes you feel sexy and always make sure to maintain your wig. A scraggly wig or one that looks like you just threw it on with no rhyme or reason will hurt you tremendously. Another plus is that you can always go with your dream hair color. Wish you were a blonde? Go right ahead. Always wanted to know what it feels like to be a redhead? Go for it. A girl with her dream wig will feel so sexy that everyone will know she is.

Get a Mani/Pedi – Sometimes it’s the little things that matter. Getting a Mani/Pedi can help relax you and give you a sexy boost. I know I love nothing more than having my nails and toes freshly done. Remember, if you are out and about as your male self, many men get mani’s and pedi’s, so don’t feel funny walking into a nail salon. Clear nail polish is very common among men. Besides, when you are wearing shoes and socks, no one can see your toes, so go for a color that makes you happy while also having a little sexy secret all to yourself.

Slow Down – A good rule of thumb is to just slow everything down by about 10%. When you’re in the middle of a conversation or trying to make a point and you’re flailing your arms all over the place, not only do you look a little crazy, but you’re making a spectacle. At that stage, you are also probably talking very fast and not being fully articulate. So slow down.. Keeping yourself at a nice pace works wonders. A slow walking, articulated woman turns heads with their movements. There’s a reason why actresses in these sexy roles do just this. Try it and see for yourself.

Touch – This one can be tricky as some people do not like to be touched or have their personal space invaded, but you can figure that out about someone fairly quickly. A light touch of the arm or shoulder while in the middle of a laugh or a soft pat on the back while saying hello or goodbye can go a long way. These brief intimate gestures are totally seen as sexy.

Wear Heels – We all know heels are sexy. Nothing feels sexier than a pair of heels that you slip on and just rock them. Heels help us when En Femme in many ways. For example, a pair of 4 or 5-inch heels will help push your butt up a bit, giving you that girlie bootie we all crave. They can also lengthen your legs and help your clothes hang a little better. Besides, heels are synonymous with sexy so this is a no brainer.

Be Kind – One way to kill your sex appeal is to be an obnoxious, rude or unfriendly person. We’re not saying you have to be the friendliest girl in the world (some people will think that’s being phony), but basic kindness can go a long way. Being kind and considerate is a sexy quality whether you realize it or not. So make sure to treat everyone with kindness.

Spray Tan – We all don’t have the luxury of living somewhere where we can sit on a beach or by a pool all year round. Spray Tans are the next best option, giving you a nice tan look without having to spend hours in the sun or a tanning booth. Having a nice tan can give off a more sexy feel to both yourself and those around you. Plus, a tan body offers that special glow that makes you appear skinnier as well as offering a slimming effect to your skin. If spray tans aren’t your thing or if you are just showing off your face while everything else is covered up, try a nice bronzer for a similar effect.

Invest in Yourself – While we see the word invest and think money right off the bat, that is only a small part of the type of investing you should do as a crossdresser. Invest the time to do your research on the right makeup tips, clothing options, breast forms, etc. Invest the time to make sure you look and feel good while En Femme. And make sure to treat yourself once in a while. You see a pair of shoes you love and you know they will make you feel sexy, then do it! Get a makeover and a lesson from a makeup artist who works with crossdressers and learn the ins and outs of proper application. All these little things add up to one big thing – a happier you and a sexier you!

Remember, sexy isn’t all about looks. It has to do with your mind and how you perceive yourself, feel about yourself and project yourself to others. By keeping a happy and healthy mind and treating others the way you would want to be treated, can make you so sexy. Along with some work on sharpening your physical appearance, you will be feeling much sexier in no time.

Any sexy tips you would like to share with us? Drop us a line on our Facebook Page or by emailing us at If you would like to read more crossdressing tips and advice, our blog is always there to help.

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