Introducing our Eye Candy of the month: Maddie
Get ready to meet Maddie, a vibrant and inspiring member of the crossdressing community who has embraced her journey with courage, creativity, and a touch of magic—literally! From early moments of discovery to becoming a voice in the community through her podcast and personal brand, Maddie’s story is as colorful as the box of crayons she now sees life through. Join us as we dive into her world, where style, self-expression, and connection take center stage.
Let’s start by telling everyone where you are from?
Denver, CO.
When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
I remember putting my mom’s clothes on when I was approximately 9,10 ish. I have no idea why I did it but the adjective that comes to mind is “soothing”. I loved the textures as well as the items that fit snug and hugged me. Strangely enough I didn’t think about dressing again until years later and the “why” became a little more clear. I stumbled upon the term autogynephilia which describes crossdressing as “embodying the object of your desire” which was clearly motivating me. I don’t agree with the rest of that theory but that part of it made sense to me. I recently discovered the term gender envy which I think may fit my situation even better. Gender envy is a casual term that describes a feeling of longing for the gender roles, privileges, or perceived advantages of another gender.

How did you come up with your Femme name?
I went through a list of names online and picked one I liked lol.
How often do you dress?
For years I dressed 3 or 4 times per week and currently it’s about once or twice per week.
Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
I’m divorced and have 2 kids. Most of my family and friends know about Maddie and have been very supportive but I have not told my kids yet. I’m struggling with it being the right thing to do. My main motivation for doing so would be if something happened to me, I wouldn’t want them to learn about my dressing from things they found in my house because that wouldn’t even begin to describe what it all means to me and my life. I want to control the narrative which is that my dressing is not a dark dirty secret. Instead, it’s been one of the most amazing and uplifting experiences of my life. A truly positive and loving experience and I want to be able to convey that to them.

Tell us what goes into getting the perfect photo?
I assume we’re talking about a formal photo rather than a casual social photo/selfie. I think there are many factors that go into the perfect photo starting with knowing what message you’re trying to send through your photo. Lighting; with lighting more is not always better…Being aware of shadows and angles is important. Too much or too little light can affect the outcome in a big way. Location; location is important and needs to match the message you’re trying to convey with your photo. Attire; your attire is very important and again should be consistent with your objective for the picture. Lastly I would say poses and angles are really important and should be thought through before the photo shoot. I’ll share a little trick I started doing early in my dressing days…if you shoot a video of yourself you can then scroll through the footage and identify the best potential photos. Video is made up of 30 frames per second so a 2 minute video of you posing can garner you 3,600 potential photos (120 minutes x 30 = 3,600). When you spot the frames you like you can then take screenshots and there are your photos!

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
My go-to outfits are bodycon skirts and some sort of top. I like bright colored form fitting low-cut tops. I’m not a big dress fan but I do wear dresses on occasion and again those would be form fitting. No stocking or pantyhose for me except for some photo shoots.
Stockings or pantyhose?
No stocking or pantyhose for me except for some photo shoots.

Heels or flats?
Heels most all of the time and on occasions where I need to wear flats my go to are my white puma tennis shoes or flip flops
Favorite places to go when dressed?
I have a favorite little sports bar that’s my Cheers and I do happy hour there most Fridays. It’s so nice to have a place where everyone knows you and accepts you. Other than that it could be anywhere and mostly mainstream establishments.
Go to accessories for a night out
My Playboy bunny necklace, long earrings, rings… one is my mom’s ring…she passed away a couple years ago and she was a big fan of Maddie. An Apple Watch and some sort of bracelet on the other wrist. Oh, and sometimes an ankle bracelet.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
Well, as far as cross-dressers go it would be Kelli Perry and Heidi Phox. They both have a well put together, stylish and classy presentation. As for the general population I would say my role models are the “girls next-door”.
Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
I was a magician in high school and still like to pull out a trick or two on occasion. I’m a songwriter and a producer and have been fortunate enough to have been able to work with some of my songwriting idols and get my music in film & TV. Lastly, I have a crossdresser podcast called My Girl Life Podcast and being able to share the stories of so many wonderful girls in our community has been a blast and I look forward to talking to many more. I also spend a lot of time building my My Girl Life brand which I hope can become an important part of our community.

Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
I guess my journey started when I was nine or 10 but in between then and about 7 years ago, my dressing was very infrequent and never in public. However, in the last seven years Maddie was born and my dressing has accelerated to a level I never even imagined. Not only did I think Maddie would never have friends, I thought I would never tell anybody at all. I’m fortunate in that Maddie has many supportive friends and my family has been very supportive as well. These last seven years have been one of the most important phases of my life in a very positive way. I feel like I was walking through life with a box of 8 crayons and somebody handed me a box of 32 🙂
If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
- https://www.facebook.com/maddie.taylor200
- www.MyGirlLife.com
- Crossdresser Podcast
- https://www.youtube.com/@MyGirlLifePodcast
- https://www.instagram.com/maddiesometimes
Before we go, would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or a closing statement.
I have two recommendations… One for veteran dressers and one for newbie dressers. For veteran dressers: take pride in yourself and your dressing, be social, don’t isolate and live your best girl life! For newbie dressers: reach out and connect with the community and try to attend one of the many events our community puts on.
Editor’s Note: We strongly recommend you check out Maddie’s MyGirlLife podcast as well as following her on her socials. She is the perfect podcast host, blending her natural beauty and ‘smarts’ to seamlessly engage girls like Heidi Phox and Kelli Perry from the CD community.
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