Glamour Boutique

Eye Candy of the Month: Anastasia

Eye Candy Anastasia

This month’s Eye Candy kicks off our third year and features a longtime Glamour Girl favorite and Instagram star. Normally we introduce our Eye Candy girl a little more, but she has sent us one of her own.

Let’s meet Anastasia, our eye candy of the month

Hello, my name is Anastasia, but some people know me as Nastja Sherer.

I am a genderfluid person and enjoy my life as it is. That means – I don’t live as a girl or woman full time, but I do change my looks quite regularly and often spend my time as a girl.

I like to think I am an artist and as an artist, I like to transform myself into a woman. That is my passion, and that’s what I like to do among my other passions like sport, traveling, and for example theatre.

Some might call me a crossdresser, but I interpret it as an art, a certain way to impress my soul, feelings, and just to share with people around me the beauty of transformation.

Over the past 15 years of my social life as Anastasia, I have met many wonderful people, who accept me the way I am. I try also to be an inspiration for others and share my positive energy and attitude via my photos.

Hi Anastasia. We are so excited to have you as this month’s Eye Candy Girl. It’s been a long time coming. Let’s start by telling our readers where you are from?
I have Russian roots, but most of my life I live in German-speaking countries. Now I am in Switzerland for more than 5 years already. I live in Zürich, and I am just in love with the atmosphere of the city and Switzerland in general. I love hiking, so I feel at home in the mountains.

When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
My story does not differ a lot from many other girls. I had my first dreams already in childhood. My first experiences go back to early teenage times. I remember that my passion has developed with the help of a fashion channel (FTV). I have observed all those beautiful models in their elegant dresses, heels, and perfect makeup. Suddenly, I realized – I would wish to be one of those models – I would really love to be dressed like that and also walk there on the scene – smiling and posing, looking so fancy and gorgeous. In the beginning, I was afraid of those thoughts and tried to avoid them, but those thoughts were coming back again and again. One day I decided to try some of the mom clothes – I could not describe the feeling the first time I put stockings on my legs – guess many girls have similar memories – fantastic! On another hand, I was not happy with the image I saw in the mirror. Also make-up had not the best effect – no skills, no preparation – that “ugly duckling” was far away from my dream girls on fashion channels. It helped me to stop that time and not to come back to the crossdressing topic for a few years. Also, I guess, living with parents at that time and not having real freedom and the possibility of real transformation made me freeze the feminine part of me. I came back to that topic when I was around 20 and that’s also when Anastasia came to the world.

How did you come up with your Femme name?
I was twenty at that time – a young student in Germany – finally living separate, having my freedom and space. At that time I met one girl, and she was the first person, I have opened my heart and shared my thoughts about cross-dressing. Surprisingly she was very excited about the topic and had proposed to help me – it was like a fun game – we had a lot of discussions on how this should look, and she helped me with the wig, cosmetics, and female clothes. She also proposed a name for me – Anastasia (or shortly Nastja – in Russian it is the same name). I found it very pretty, besides my grandmother is also Anastasia. This girl helped me to find a pretty young lady smiling at me back from the mirror. I am very thankful to her, as that moment changed my life, and became the first step in my journey. Also, that was the first time I have posted my photos to social media. I do still have those looks on my Flickr page. I will keep that time forever in my heart – good memories always make me smile!

How often do you dress?
Nowadays I do dress when I feel that I have a feminine mood. I have more freedom to decide on that, and that was always my goal to achieve this type of freedom. Anastasia is a big part of my life, but at the same time, the balance in my life is also something very important for me. I feel as a genderfluid, with slightly feminine appearance, also in my daily life. For me being Anastasia is more, than just dressing, but I also realize, that I am not a transgender. Being a part-time girl is my way of living.

Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
I can’t hide and I try to always be honest and open. Otherwise, I would not respect myself. The reaction is not always positive, and sometimes it might be painful. However, better this type of pain at the beginning, rather than it comes out after being in a relationship for a while.
Right now, I am in a relationship with a wonderful woman, who accepts me the way I am. This sounds fantastic, but honestly saying not everything was so easy. For her, it was a new world, and I am sure she was not happy to realize that her man is actually not a man at all. We had many discussions about this topic, and surprisingly she has accepted me. I think, if it is truly your person, you will be accepted. It is always a both-sided process in my opinion, as every person wants to be accepted back.

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
I love to change my looks regularly and also try different fashion styles, but to be honest I am a very big leggings fan. As a person, who regularly does yoga, jogging, and hiking – leggings are an important part of my wardrobe. They have to be comfortable, trendy, and good looking. I own around 30 pairs and also follow the trends. Another trend that I never get tired of are dresses, especially summer ones.
I don’t have a favorite brand. I do prefer some street style brands like Armani or Guess, simply because I feel comfortable to wear them every day and I like the design of their jeans and t-shirts.
I usually go shopping in outlets, which I do a couple of times a year. I like to take my time, try everything on and make a decision. Outlets can offer good discounts, though those outlet trips strongly hit my budget (smile). Recently, I have also discovered online shopping, as it saves me time. Here in Switzerland in my opinion – Zalando is one of the most attractive choices. Fast delivery, usually good quality, and fair return conditions.

Stockings or pantyhose?
Stockings! What can be more sexual than a pair of good quality stockings? I think stockings work best for my athletic legs.

Heels or flats?
It depends on where to go. If that would be a hiking tour, I will go with flats, but generally, I love heels, even if sometimes it hurts to walk in heels longer distances. I remember, the last time I was in Paris, I had a 20km city tour in platform heels. That was not so easy and I had some pain in my legs that evening. I think if you practice a lot, walking in heels can be so much fun. I love to dance in heels for example – for me, it is an important part of expressing my sexuality.

Favorite places to go when dressed?
I have many places, which I love to visit as Anastasia – classical evening life – theatre, opera, ballet, or musical. The magic here for me is a possibility to combine the elegant feminine look with a cultural event.
I do also meet friends, go to parties, cinema or for dinner. Self-acceptance has given me so much freedom in terms, what I love to do as a girl.
If to name one more – hairdressing service. I do use natural hair wigs or extensions and both require care. I love the feeling of being treated like a lady, and also I know why girls do spend a lot of time with their bodies’ care. I have a lot of respect. Besides it has helped me to understand the small details, which also makes my girlfriend thankful, as I do mark those small, but important changes in her looks.

Go to accessories for a night out
Little black dress with heels. That’s my favorite choice. I have a wonderful selection of dresses and that’s my weakness. I do also like to play with my hair colors/styles for a night out.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
That’s funny, but I don’t have any. I do admire all women around me, who know how to put a perfect look together. I do enjoy observing women around me, their styles, ways of walking, behaviors, manners – every small detail!

Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
If you don’t mind, I would like to speak about discipline and routines, which can significantly improve life quality. I quite commonly receive emails with questions – “how do you manage to look like that?” “I can’t believe you are only a part-time girl” or “I wish I would look like you…”
First of all – everyone can achieve great results and can look beautiful or turn smarter, get a better job, start a new life! I think that with an effort and love for the things you do in life, you can always improve it! All you need is to believe in yourself and to start doing something! It is very simple, and I know, that most people will answer – that is very easy to say, but…
The truth is, there is no but! In most cases we are in our comfort zones – we move less, we are lazy, and that’s a natural reaction of our brains and in some cases, we have fear and uncertainty…
How to change that? I have only one answer – overcome it! How to do it? With discipline and daily routines.
If you are overweight – start to move and look at your meal plan. Don’t start extreme, but slowly change it. It is a time taking process and doesn’t ever expect fast changes, but believe they will come! Just keep the discipline.
How to stay motivated? Make a daily photo of you and compare results on a regular basis. In 8…16… 24 weeks you will see the change. Is that not motivation?
I am also a very lazy person and I just love ice cream, chocolate, and cakes, but I have changed my attitude. I replaced chocolate with honey, reduced my ice cream consumption, and started to move daily. My sports watch helps me a lot here, as I love statistics and tracking of my activities, steps, sleeping motivates me to keep the pace.
I want to give one more example. A girl, who I love and adore. She is a great example for me. She had poor English, as she has never learned it at school, but she has realized she needs it for a better job. Instead of complaining, she has started to learn, added daily routines – reading, listening, and learning. She even made me speak to her in English and I love it! With passion, she has achieved her goal in just a couple of months!

Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
I see cross-dressing as an art of transformation, and now, after 15 years of being in that scene, I try to be also an inspiration for younger or less open people. As one of the topics, I would like to address my philosophy.
What makes you feel like a woman?
Is that all about make-up, hair, clothes, or there is much more hidden behind? Does dressing also change your attitude, life-views, and make you behave like another person? I think crossdressing is much more than a simple sexual desire. Fetish as many might call it! True, it is like that for some of us, and even here it’s nothing bad. People should be accepted the way they are. I would not judge anyone for their way of dressing! On another hand a high amount of porno or low-quality content on the web brings a dark shadow on the whole cross-dressing society. That is, what makes me sad! I think that a certain level of intelligence and respect is required no matter what you do!
All the people who send their genethlia, hate, or marriage proposals messages. I would like to ask you one question – would you behave like that in front of your mother or is that normal behavior in your daily life to all the women around you? I feel sorry for you if it is.
Let us get back to the positive side of my message.
For me being a part-time girl is more about the magic – I feel like a different energy, which makes me behave specially. It helps me to overcome stresses in life and gives me balance. I do enjoy what I do, and try to achieve my level of perfection. The transformation process excites me the most. That’s why I love to work with different people, makeup artists, and try new looks! My idea behind it is to also to keep the natural appearance, and the deepest compliment I can get would be – “hey you look natural, beautiful, and passable, like a real woman.” The beauty, of course, is something very subjective, but I find it very inspiring to be accepted the way I am.
I think that quality plays a role. If we take things seriously, we can achieve successful results no matter what we are doing!
I choose crossdressing as an art of transformation, and what about you?

If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
I have an active social life on Instagram and I have recently also started my Youtube.
You can find me on Instagram under @nastjasherer
Link to my Youtube channel:
Link to my Flickr:

Would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or a closing statement.
I hope it was interesting for you to read some of my thoughts and I will be happy to hear from you, through my social channels. I wish that those girls, who are struggling with their identity and fears, will find support and motivation, based on my story. I can recommend watching my interview
I try to speak openly about my life journey and experiences. It is in two languages – Russian and English.
Stay safe and happy, and remember, that we live now and here

Thanks so much Anastasia! We appreciate all you’ve shared with us. Thank you for starting off our third year of Eye Candy with such a great interview!

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