Meet Alexis Charboneau, our latest Eye Candy feature! Hailing from the scenic landscapes of Montana, Alexis brings her unique style and captivating presence to our spotlight. With a flair for fashion and a passion for helping others, she embodies the spirit of confidence and elegance. Dive into her inspiring journey and discover what makes Alexis truly unforgettable.
Let’s start by telling everyone where you are from?
Hello, my Name is Alexis Charboneau and I am from Big Sky Country… Montana
When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
I remember being as young as 4 years old trying on my moms lipstick, mascara and perfume. I have always been fascinated with feeling pretty/beautiful. So I guess we could say I was almost born this way. I had a neighbor girl that was a few years older than me that loved dressing me in dresses and panties when I was 10 or 11. I dabbled off and on with underdressing privately until I was 23. I started back up again with underdressing around age 30. But fully dressing head to toe with makeup and wigs started about 2 1/2 years ago. And I haven’t looked back since!

How did you come up with your Femme name?
Alexis was a name given to me by my best friend back home in Seattle. She thought with my elegant style that I should have an exotic name, so Alexis was her choice. The last name of Charboneau is mainly due to being of French descent. I picked the name Charboneau out of respect of my favorite teacher Ms. Charboneau. She was such a sweet and kind person and was very pretty (3rd grade teacher). Her kindness was unmatchable.
How often do you dress?
Sadly, not enough! I try to about 3 or 4 times a month. I do end up traveling a lot on “femmecations” to be Alexis. My hometown here is very old fashioned and not as supportive of LGBT/ Crossdresser lifestyles as I wish they could be. So you will often see Alexis roaming the strip in Las Vegas, or downtown Seattle or any other metropolitan area
Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
I have been happily married for 22 years now, my wife knows about and supports Alexis, but isn’t involved in her day to day life much. Mainly I am shy about it with her. Also we have 2 boys 18 and 13 that do not know, so it is very hard to dress at home at times. Someday when the time is right I will have that talk with them but for now it stays private.

Tell us what goes into getting the perfect photo?
For me, It’s all about camera angles!!! I am a chubbier girl so I have a double chin lol. So camera angles above my eyeline are best. A good background is always a huge plus as well!!! Smile with your eyes!
What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
I love any outfit that is showing off a little leg. I have a pair of short denim shorts I absolutely adore that go with most of my outfits. I also like dark tops (to hide my pooh bear tummy 😅 ). I prefer low cut tops that show off a little cleavage. I am working on wearing lighter colors so my wardrobe isn’t all dark, But not my go to.
Stockings or pantyhose?
Stockings, I feel they are way sexier. But I do own both.

Heels or flats?
Depends on the situation, if I am walking a lot flats. But a fancy night out dressed elegantly, I lean towards high heels.
Favorite places to go when dressed?
Las Vegas! It is by far the best place to dress as you can easily be whomever you wish to be. In my hometown I do not go out a whole lot, but I do go to a bar that is super friendly, and also will hit up a casino. I have been to adult bookstores as CD’s are very appreciated in theaters, but it’s not really my style as I am not looking for that type of scene.
Go to accessories for a night out
My big barrettes in my hair, necklaces, bracelets, rings and If in vegas my sunglasses.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
I have a couple, First Yoya Fabulosa, her youtube content is very enjoyable and funny. Nikki Mirage is another person that sticks out to me for the same reasons, Olive_is_a and Mikelaville are both incredibly talented as well. And to top it off they all are cute as a button!
Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
When I am not being Alexis, I love to golf, listening to music/ podcasts, Bowling, Spending time with my family. I also enjoy helping people be their best selves, as I am a natural born helper. As Alexis, I love going shopping, going out with friends, live music, dinner and drinks (Very Light social drinker though)
Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
Great question! Honestly nothing too wild and crazy, My first time out I dropped my phone at a restaurant, I was wearing 6 inch stilettos and a very short body con skirt. I was trying to figure out a way to pick up my phone without showing the room what was underneath. I looked like Bambi on ice trying to pick up that darn phone, but I figured it out.
I also had an experience where I went out in my hometown and went to the bar I enjoy as Alexis, I noticed someone I knew as a mutual friend and semi panicked a little. Then I really started to panic when he walked up to the bar and started talking to me!!! Yikes. He didn’t realize it was me for like 1 or 2 minutes, once he realized who I was he was super cool with it. And told me that “my secret is safe with him” to this day he is a supporter of Alexis and her adventures.

If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
The main thing I use is Instagram, you can find me on there @alexis.charboneau on there I do live streams whenever I have time to dress, during these streams they are mainly a potpourri of topics and/or Q&A Sessions. I will also occasionally do “Get ready with me streams” where I do my makeup prior to going out for the evening. On my Instagram profile, I have a linktree to my other platforms I use.
Before we go, would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or a closing statement.
Yes! Seriously, if you are curious or closeted or full on out but need advice or help, please reach out to me. Once again I am a helper by nature and I will help anyone that might need help with makeup, fashion or simply just need to blow off some stress. Reach out!
Also, I want to tell people that they are not alone in their journey. You will be very surprised in how many people might support you being your best version of yourself. Be sure to at least try and go out in public 1 time in your life, you will thank me later!
Hugs to all!
Your new friend Alexis
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