Glamour Boutique

How to Organize your Crossdresser Closet

If any genetic woman says their closets gets more messy than anyone than, hun, they have never seen a crossdresser’s closet before! Not only do we have women’s clothes and accessories but also male clothing! We do live the best of both worlds after all!

Believe me when I say- our closets can become a hot mess! I mean breast forms, heels, boots, and t-shirts everywhere! However, there are some great methods to organizing the madness if you do not have the luxury of having two separate closets! It will include buying a few organizers but, trust the process; it is so worth it. Plus, organization absolutely helps things last a lot longer!


Never skip this step.

This will help you make room for more important items in your closet. Plus, let’s face it sometimes everything just doesn’t all fit. Sometimes it is the sad, sad truth. So unburden your life of old, raddy, or unused items. You will thank yourself later.

2) STORAGE ORGANIZERS. I do recommend separating your male from female clothing by a nice center divider! You do not need to choose this style but it does do a great job with keeping your items separated and organized. However, if you find another style please, feel free to use that.

It would be even better if you find this set up with a top row for shoes as well however, these designs will work beautifully!


So, the idea is to clearly hang anything necessary (dress shirts, button ups, dresses, skirts, etc.). Fill up the racks with only clothing that needs to be hung. Items like sweaters, jeans, workout gear, and t-shirts should not be hung. Instead, these items should be folded nicely in an armoire or large dresser. This will help make more room in the closet that you will need.

How you hang items is personal choice but I prefer to:

    • Separate clothes into categories: skirts, dresses etc
    • Hang by color order within each category i.e. light to dark
    • Use good quality wood or plastic hangers and one garment per hanger only
        Need some dresses? Check out our Dresses section!

To save even more room in your dressers- check out some great ways to store your sweaters and t-shirts, like rolling them! This saves me so much room in my draws. I’ve been doing this for years! It makes it so easy to see all my options and I can fit twice the amount of items! I would check it out!


Shoes should be neatly organized on the floor of your closet or above depending on your closet layout. I would prefer above the hangers for a cleaner look but, if you only have the floor available, I would suggest laying down a nice rug. It will keep it looking clean and is easy to take out and clean.


I would designate which shelves will be for male items and which will be for female items before placing any items down. These shelves are for breast forms, purses, jewelry, cologne, hats, etc. To keep it more organized I would suggest getting small boxes/trays to keep multiple of items in. For example, buy a simple tray dish for cologne/perfume to keep them all together. Same thing goes for your jewelry- a nice simple jewelry box will keep your jewelry compact and organized saving as much space as possible. Also, these nice boxes and trays will make a nice statement piece in the closet.


For items used only a few times in the year e.g. fancy dress, Halloween, swimsuits etc I like to use storage Totes clearly labelled that I slide under the bed. There’s no sense in taking up valuable closet space for something that only sees the light of the day once a year!

There you have it- a well organized closet awaits you all! Try out some of our tips and ideas for yourself. If you do end up trying it out – send us some pictures on how your closet turned out at Also, let us know if you have any other ideas that we left out! We love hearing from you! Don’t forget, we have hundreds more tips in the Crossdressing Blog.

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