Glamour Boutique

How to Take Sexy Selfies

How to Take Sexy Selfies

Whether you’re on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or any of the other social media sites out there, we all love to take selfies to share with our followers and friends. The issue is, a lot of times we are taking selfies that might not be at a great angle or taken in a way that we don’t look our best. I know I speak for a lot of us girls out there when I say, I want my selfies to show how sexy I look as my femme self.

Our top tips on taking the perfect selfie

So how do you take the perfect selfie? How do you look your hottest? Let’s take a look into the world of the sexy selfie and get you girls looking your best because this month is an important time for our photos to be at their sexiest (more on that later). Master these 5 critical elements and the winning, sexy selfie can be yours:

  • Lighting
  • Dress/Outfit
  • Pose
  • Angles
  • Filters

Selfies can be a real pain but are equally as fun if done right. As our cell phones picture quality gets better and better, so can our selfies. So with your phone handy, let’s try and take some selfies while using these tips to help you out.

Lighting – One of the biggest issues when it comes to selfies is lighting. A room full of artificial light will leave your photo looking grainy and lamps and ceiling lights can take over the photo or add harsh shadows and angles. A dark room or nightclub will have you looking nonexistent or flushed out. Try not to use the flash as it can leave harsh tones and light on your face, leaving a less flattering image then you want.

Now most of us aren’t professionals, so photography lighting setups aren’t an option. So what is the best way to light yourself? Natural light from a window or going outside into some nice daylight are both great choices. If you are inside and must use the lighting in your home, try and have the light source in front of you as opposed to behind you. Try going into different rooms and see which rooms light works best for you. If you are using your bathroom or bedroom mirror for your selfie, try not to use the flash as all that will do is flush you out or leave a spot in the picture. Try and get some natural light into the room where you are using a mirror to take the selfie. Take some test shots and see what works best for you. The way to a sexy selfie all starts with the lighting.

Dress (or Undress) to Impress – Whether you want to wear a cute dress or some sexy lingerie, put on something that makes you feel sexy. When you feel sexy, you’ll act sexy and those are when you take the best selfies. And don’t just stop at the outfit. Accessorize with some jewelry or a cute pair of heels. Try something different too. A button down shirt that is too big on you and has a few buttons open to reveal that sexy bra is one super seductive pose if you ask me. Fantasize and role play a little. This will help free your mind a bit and get you into the role of seductress. Your selfie will thank you for it later.

Pick the Right Pose – If you are familiar with your camera’s timer and can place the camera out of your hands, then pick some sexy poses. If doing so, pick an open space as opposed to the tight confines of a bathroom or a cluttered room. My recommendation would be to place the camera in your bedroom in front of a mirror. That way you can change your pose and see how it looks as you are doing it. Most important is to act natural as if you force your body into uncomfortable positions, then it will come across as such in your photo. Check out some celebrity selfies and see some poses you may like to recreate. Once again, take a bunch of shots so you can pick the perfect one.

It’s All About the Angles – Two things need to have the right angle. One is the camera. There is a reason many celebs take selfies at high angles. A high angle looking down on yourself or a photo with the lens at or above eye level are what work best no matter how you are positioned. When you take a selfie from a low angle looking up at yourself, it can often add some unflattering extras like a chubby chin.

The second part of angling is to angle yourself. Facing a camera straight on makes you look bigger than you are. Since we are trying to show our femme selves and hide the male parts of ourselves, angling your body and torso to the side avoids showing broad shoulders and is a great way to start. It will also balance out your body more. Keep your face on a slight angle and choose which is your best side (this isn’t just a saying it’s a fact as our faces are not exactly symmetrical). Tilting your chin up just a bit can help more than you think as well.

Before we finish on proper angles and your face, make sure you have your makeup applied correctly as it is a must. Check out some of our blog articles for great makeup application tips.

Using Filters – If after all these tips, things still don’t seem to be working, try using your camera’s filters, but do so sparingly. I don’t mean Snapchat dog ears and noses, but some softening filters may work for you. Also, look into making your photos black and white for that classic look. The filter should be used to enhance your selfie not take it over. You can play with some color filters too as they can add a little extra. Remember though that unless you are trying for something specific, the filter is not needed at all and is really a last resort.

Now for the main reason, we wanted to make sure you had these tips. This month starts our annual Glamour Girl Contest. Last year we received a record number of entries and we want to keep that number growing. In fact, all of the photos in this article (aside from Laverne Cox above) are from last years contest. Put some of our tips to good use while taking those Glamour Girl shots. Head over to our Facebook page for more info and also let us know what tips you may have to get that perfect selfie. Now get out there girls and start snapping away. We cannot wait to see your beautiful selfies!!

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