Glamour Boutique

How to Choose Breast Forms

With the different kinds of breast enhancement available on the market it can be a complex decision when you set out to choose crossdresser breast forms. There are so many considerations:
  • Size
  • Style
  • Material
  • Lifestyle
  • Budget

We have covered in previous articles the different materials breast forms can be made from, including home-made breast forms. We have also covered the subject of what size breast forms you should get and how you size yourself for bras.

Having read our other articles you now just need to make sure you choose the right breast forms to help maximize your male to female transformation. If you are conveniently located to a crossdresser store like Glamour Boutique in New Jersey then call and book an appointment to meet with a fitter experienced in working with crossdressers and transgender clients. If, like many girls you need to shop conveniently and discreetly online then make sure you use a reputable store with a clear returns policy.

Having done your home-work you know what your budget is and you have correctly calculated your bra and breast form size. Make sure at the same time to consider your lifestyle. Are you an occasional crossdresser who dresses in doors and just wants a quick solution to give a more female shape? Are you someone soon to embark on transitioning and so are looking for the most realistic enhancement you can afford? Do you need forms for swimming or sleeping in? All of these will determine your choice of breast form.

Let’s say you want a good quality pair of realistic looking and feeling breast forms that you intend to wear most days and for going out and that although you will start off wearing in a bra you would like the option of wearing topless with adhesive. Already you are looking at least a mid-range pair of breast forms that not only have a much better appearance, weight and touch of the cheap, heavy breast forms, but that also have re-enforced backs to be able to withstand breast form adhesive.

Over time you may also want to sleep with your breast forms on. Again, make sure you consider sleep-friendly breast forms. Many silicone forms are not intended to be worn during sleep since any body-weight brought to bear consistently over time on a silicone breast form can in time weaken the seal and lead to a rupture. Many girls use silicone breast forms for day wear and then switch over to sleep-safe foam breast forms for night time.


When trying on breast forms for the first time, whether in a retail showroom or after receiving your online purchase make sure you have a form-fitting top to hand. The true feminine effect of the shape of enhancement is seen properly under clothing. First-fitting steps:

  1. Attach bra in place
  2. Loosen shoulder straps
  3. One at a time, insert forms into each cup of the bra
  4. Tighten shoulder straps to required firmness to hold forms in place but not squeeze them
  5. Pull on a form-fitting top and inspect the shape in the mirror

If you have chosen the correct breast form style and size then they should sit snugly at the bottom of the cup of the bra. With correct shoulder strap adjustment, the top of the form whilst still enclosed in the bra cup, should blend into the chest wall and not pull away from the chest. With a form-fitting top on you are looking for smooth, realistic curves to the shape and slight movement of the ‘bust’ as you move.


The most popular and natural looking breast form shape are teardrop shaped – also known as triangle shaped. These mimic the shape of natural breast and come in a range of sizes, which can be seen on our symmetrical breast forms page.

Other shapes are available, but you will usually need to be fitted initially or know what styles you prefer to suit your body shape. If you are unsure, teardrop shapes are a good starting point, or you can get in touch with us for further help.


In short, they are of high quality. Good quality breast forms are designed to be comfortable over longer periods, give the best appearance and outlast cheaper models.

“Buy cheap, buy twice” is appropriate here, as cheaper breast forms lack quality, won’t fit as well and generally won’t last as long. If you are wearing something for a prolonged period, it should be well-suited and comfortable, hence the higher cost.


The breast forms should make you look and feel feminine and for most there is an element of excitement when you slip them on for the first time and you have made the right choice. Choosing breast forms is similar to choosing a favorite pair of shoes or a bra; it can take a little time to find the right one, but as soon as you make the right choice everything just feels like it should.

In conclusion, take your time to research to make sure you make the right choice the first time. If you can get to a crossdresser store to be fitted in-person then great. If not make sure you use a trusted TG/CD business who understand your needs and who have live customer service so you can talk to a person on the phone to walk you through the process without feeling rushed. Check out the breast form selection at Glamour Boutique or come visit our New Jersey location where you will find a wide range of breast enhancement to fit all budgets and all uses.

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