Glamour Boutique

Tips to Feminize your CD Voice

After we start to perfect and feel comfortable with our femme appearance, we can work on other details to help us that don’t deal with the way we look. One of those details we get asked about often is how to feminize your voice. Feminizing your voice will take some time and effort. As they say, practice makes perfect so let’s take a look at some tips that will have you sounding as femme as you look as well as a few things to avoid.

How To Sound More Feminine

Speak Clearly

There is a condition known as the “masculine mumble.” Genetic males have a tendency to not sound clear when they talk. Some of that is due to speaking at a quicker pace than a genetic female. A study was done where males would read a sentence in their typical speech pattern and then read the same sentence again in a slower, clearer manner. When the results were analyzed with a test group, they found that the sentence spoken in a clearer tone was associated with a more feminine voice. Clear speech also varies by mood. Our voice is intertwined with our emotions, so be aware of your mood when speaking and that can work wonders towards feminizing your voice. Speaking clearly, however, is a great and easy place to start if you’re wondering how to sound more feminine.

Softer Consonants

Building from speaking clearly, feminine voices generally deliver their ideas and words smoothly. Softening your consonants will help develop this, and is a great tactic for sounding more feminine. Learning to soften your consonants while also creating a smoother vocal line can go a big way in feminizing your voice.


Experts say that this is one of the most important factors in feminizing your voice. Female speech resonates in the oral and the most forward-focused part of the body, while masculine speech comes from the chest and throat. Consider your voice box like an instrument. Training the muscles around your larynx to hold in different ways is a big part of getting that femme voice. It takes a lot of practice but if you can master the resonance, you will be able to achieve your goal. If you need help with this, it may pay to see a specialist or use a vocal app. More on that later.

Body Language

Many of us don’t realize it, but body language plays a huge part in our communication with others. In fact, studies show that within 30 seconds of meeting someone, we can draw an average of 6-8 conclusions on them before they even speak a word. It is perceived as more feminine to use nonverbal communication. So it makes sense to have feminine body language to go with your femme voice to help bridge everything together.

Things Not To Do

Before our last tip, let’s take a look at a few things that you should stay away from when training your voice.

Speaking in Falsetto

Trying to hide your deep voice by trying to use an unnaturally high pitched voice is not a good move. The high pitch will give you away very quickly.


Whispering will be another giveaway and again will sound unnatural. Sometimes, girls struggling with their femme voice will whisper to everyone and that is no good as it will only cause someone to not hear you.

Constricting Your Voice

Mens throats are larger which plays a big part in the vocal sounds. If you try to pinch or constrict your voice, you will sound really bad. Your voice may start to sound comical and we definitely don’t want that.

See A Vocal Specialist

Something that has seen a big rise for help with feminizing your voice, is seeing a voice specialist or vocal coach. There are specialists out there that have a lot of experience and even specialize in working with trans girls on changing their voice. They will teach you everything from pitch elevation to proper vocal hygiene. Seeing a specialist is a home run for those of you that really want to change their voice and need the guidance to do so. There are also apps out there if you do not feel comfortable with working on your vocals one on one with someone.

Voice Feminization Surgery

A more permanent option out there is voice feminization surgery, and there are a few different types of surgery which you would discuss with your doctor. Generally speaking, this surgery will help raise the pitch of your voice or make it sound higher by altering the the length, size or tightness of your vocal cords. It’s worth noting too that this is not a reversible procedure.

Feminizing your voice is not something that can be perfected over night so be patient and keep working at it. You’ll get there. With so many resources out there, it is easier to get started than you think.

While voice feminization is important to some who are transitioning or for when they are out dressed en femme, other do not feel the need to modify their voice. Either decision is valid and at the end of the day, you do what you feel is the best path for you as this is your journey and you are the only one who needs to feel happy and comfortable with yourself.

Do you have any voice feminization secrets?  Let us know by emailing us at or by messaging us on our Facebook page.  For more tips and information, be sure to check out our blog.

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