Glamour Boutique

5 Tips for Feminizing & Softening Your Jawline [Crossdressing & MTF Trans Tips]


As a crossdresser or male to female transgender person, you may be wondering how to soften your jawline? A feminine jawline has a much less angular appearance compared to that of a male jawline. The masculine jaw is much squarer and thicker in comparison. So how can we fix that, or at least help you to amend your appearance? There are of course surgical solutions but do you know the best non-surgical tips to feminize the jawline? Not only are there makeup options but there are choices you can make with your jewelry and tops or dresses to transform the appearance of the jawline. Careful wardrobe choices and strategic makeup routine can go a long way to directing attention away from the jawline and feminizing its appearance without going under the knife.

Our in-house makeup artists relay to us that in their experience there are 2 main points in this regard. They are: a) the jawline is something that many people overlook when they are looking to feminize their look, and b) that feminizing the jawline can help increase your confidence in your look and help you to feel more feminine. Our non-surgical jawline contouring tips will help make your male-to-female transformation the most authentic it can be and show you how to soften your jawline with makeup. Follow and practice these suggestions from our skilled makeup and transformation artists and you will instantly look and feel more feminine.

Shaving and Skin Care

Probably the most important foundation of any jawline feminization is making sure the face is clean-shaven. This means having a regime that ensures you are as clean-shaven as possible just prior to makeup application. Shave too early and by the time you apply makeup you may already be showing a ‘5 o’clock shadow’. Shave too near to the time of makeup application and the skin has no time to recover which causes further makeup application issues. The most important consideration when you think ‘how to feminize my jaw’ is getting as close a shave as possible. Steps for ensuring a close shave:

  1. Don’t shave as soon as you wake in the morning. Allow the skin to tighten for at least an hour after you wake before starting your shaving routine.
  2. Always wet shave and preferably after a bath or shower when the face has soaked for at least 10 minutes in warm/hot water to soften the skin and hair follicles.
  3. Exfoliate with a basic face scrub so the razor is only shaving and not getting clogged with dead skin as well as whiskers.
  4. Always use a new blade and shaving cream or gel for a smooth glide to lower the risk of nicks or cuts.
  5. Shave in the direction of hair growth first but for the closest of shaves follow up with strokes against the hair growth direction.
  6. Rinse the skin in cool water to both soothe the skin’s surface and to help close the pores of the skin.
  7. Once dry use a good quality moisturizer

We recommend you wet shave one to two hours before starting your makeup application. For those persons transitioning we recommend facial hair removal as soon as possible as part of your transition process. Skin care and makeup application will become so much simpler once you no longer need to shave. You can read about more shaving and hair removal tips in our blog.

Neck and Face Contouring

Softening your jaw with makeup is one of the bests ways to help feminize your face shape. Neck and face contouring is the use of light and shade with cosmetics to change the shape of the face and specifically the jawline without surgical enhancement. Many males have a jaw contour that is square/angular and by careful use of contouring, we can make the jawline appear much softer and rounder and therefore portraying a much more feminine appearance. Recommendations when using contour:

Our contouring kit includes diagrams on where to apply contour depending on your face shape. For the jawline, we need to apply the (darker) contour down the outline of the jawline and the chin. Dark colors make objects appear further away/smaller and so the jaw will appear less prominent. Use your angled brush to trace along the jawline and then make sure to blend both upwards and downwards. Mastering the art of contouring is probably the hardest but most effective non-surgical solution for jaw feminization.


Persons with a typically square/angled jawline should stay clear of shorter hairstyles. The wig (or natural hairstyle) you wear should again soften any male facial features to ensure you end up with an overall female appearance. The right wig style will be the cherry on top of your facial makeover. Top tips for hairstyles to feminize the jawline are:

Remember, anything about your hairstyle choice needs to soften the overall appearance. No harsh bangs or straight hair styles and cuts. We need flowing sideways bangs, gentle waves and curls and make sure the color adds to the softening effect too.


Further consideration for jaw feminization should be given to clothing choices. In particular, necklines of tops and dresses must compliment the whole facial feminization. For the typical square jawline we need to consider wider necklines. Particular styles of necklines that will work well are v-neck tops and dresses, heart shaped, round and scoop necks. Poor choice of necklines would be turtle-neck and any square shaped neckline which will only accentuate the male characteristics of an angled jawline. If wearing patterned material again look for less angled patterns i.e. rounder/circular shapes so as not to enhance the angled jawline.

Feminine Accessories

Wearing the right type of accessories can also help to draw focus away from a square jawline and even mask it where needed. Statement clip-on earrings are the perfect accessory to distract attention away from a prominent jawline. A pair of large hoops or even larger dangling earrings are perfect in this respect.

Wide chokers and even scarves are perfect in this regard too. Take care to ensure the scarf is in a flattering soft shade. If it’s patterned, again steer clear of bold angled patterns that will only emphasize a square jawline.


Jawline feminization surgery, also known as facial feminization surgery (or FFS) is often recommended for patients when they are transitioning and need to consider jawline sculpting. This is not only considered essential by way of appearance but just as importantly, a person’s well-being. There are many types of procedures that fall under the umbrella of FFS from forehead procedures to jaw surgery depending on what is recommended for each individual. Treatments can run into tens of thousands of dollars. Whilst traditionally insurers have looked upon facial feminization surgery as elective cosmetic procedures, healthcare professionals are slowly understanding how important it is to transgender women as part of their overall care. Soft tissue procedures like ‘fillers’ and even ‘botox’ are other measures that may be used on their own or in conjunction with facial feminization surgery.

Aside from the cost difficulties, there are inherent risks as with all surgical procedures. In particular, nerve damage can occur with chin and jawline procedures.


As outlined, there are many options for jawline sculpting. Whilst facial feminization surgery can give permanent changes to eradicate masculine features there is also non-surgical jawline contouring. As well as soft tissue procedures you may opt for simple, and more affordable,  temporary measures using makeup and styling techniques.

If opting for the non-surgical approach then make sure to master using a contour kit. Then combine what you can use with your feminine makeover with the perfect transgender wig style to ensure you achieve the perfect jaw feminization. For further feminizing solutions make sure to read the regular updates to our crossdressing tips blog to get more inspiration.

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