Glamour Boutique

Eye Candy of the Month: Lauren Michaels

Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Lauren Michaels

As 2020 comes to a close, we wanted to end our 3rd year of Eye Candy with a special treat. That treat is our 2020 Sexy Legs Champion, Lauren Michaels. We first met Lauren in our Glamour Girl Contest earlier in the year where she was quite popular. Then she turned things up a notch with her Sexy Legs entries. Let’s say hello to our final Eye Candy of 2020 and our Sexy Legs Champ.

Hi Lauren. Congratulations on winning this year’s Sexy Legs Contest! We are excited to have you as our final Eye Candy of 2020. Let’s start by telling our readers where are you from?
I was born and raised in the great city of Chicago and moved to the suburbs during my college years. Other than a short stint out of state for work in 2009, I have been in the Chicago area all my life.

When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
I had a girlfriend in the 80s and she wore a Catholic school girl outfit for high school. During the colder months she would wear pantyhose or tights. She really got me hooked on pantyhose initially as she looked amazing in them. One day we were messing around after school and she made me wear them. Been hooked on them ever since. Eventually we broke up and I started trying other things such as heels and various clothes over my 20s and 30s. I started to fully dress with makeup and wigs, in my late 30s and 40s.

How did you come up with your Femme name?
Initially I did not have one for many years, but as chatting became more and more popular on various sites, I tried a few names. But ultimately after discussing with some other online friends I thought Lauren Michaels fit me best.

How often do you dress?
I am a sad excuse for a crossdresser. As I am mostly still in the closet, I only get a chance to fully dress when I travel for work a few times a year. I added it up one year and I average a total of about 50 hours dressed a year. Hours…not days…. wish it was more though.

Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
I am married with children and have our 25th anniversary coming up in January. Unfortunately my wife is not very supportive. She would prefer that I don’t dress, so I really keep this to myself…and a few thousand of my online fans.

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
Overall, I try and present myself as femme looking as possible. It does not always work out as I am always trying new things, clothes, makeup techniques, etc,. But overall, I like outfits that are bodycon type. Short and tight is always right in my book. Have to have pantyhose or stockings with high heels. If it’s not 4” or higher…it’s not a high heel to me.













Stockings or pantyhose?
My preference is sheer to waist pantyhose in a tan or black color. I have some stockings and they do look good with the right outfit. I find those better for lingerie shots, but I don’t really take pics with lingerie often.

Heels or flats?
Only high heels and my preference is 5-6”. I don’t know what a flat is. Sounds like my guy shoes.

Favorite places to go when dressed?
Being in the closet still keeps me from really venturing out. As mentioned, I really only get to dress when traveling for work, and quite concerned with others that may not be as understanding and would cause harm to anyone just for dressing up. Sad situation but I try not to put myself in that position. But if I could and maybe someday I will, I would love to go out dressed in a group with other CDs. That I think would be fun. Even a CD/TG convention would be awesome to attend some day.

Go to accessories for a night out
1. Pantyhose/Stockings…they are the makeup for legs.
2. A great set of fake boobs and hip pads. Have to complete that femme look.
3. Great set of nails.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
My mother is my overall role model. She is hard working and drove me and my siblings to be the best we could be. But separately, I am in awe of the many CD and TG girls out there. So many have an amazing look and I have taken bits and pieces of things I like about their look, a pose, their attitude…all the sexy parts and try to incorporate them in my look and pics.

Tell us some fun facts about yourself. What are your hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time, or anything else you would like to share?
Of course I enjoy crossdressing. It’s quite fun to pull off a look and the feedback I get is a rush as well. But I have always been a gear-head. I am a huge fan of cars, especially muscle cars from the 60s. I have owned 5 and have restored 2 over the many years since a teenager. Still have one left that I have owned since 1994. Even had a small shop for a few years with a friend restoring some classics. I also love to fish…it’s quite calming after a long day of work.

Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?

Through my postings of pictures on Flickr, I have been able to chat with many amazing people over the years.  A few I have actually met with and have become very good friends even outside the CD part of my life.  There are some great people in the community and it’s nice to have an ear to talk to or just listen to someone going through similar issues and challenges.  I hope I have been able to give them some good advice over the years and I am grateful to those who have given me the same.

You entered our contests for the first time this year and became a fast fan favorite and now our Sexy Legs Champ. Can you offer any advice to girls looking to enter next year?
Well this is the first year I have entered. A close friend of mine thought I should try so I did. I really did not expect to win anything and did it more for the fun of seeing what would happen. I entered the Glamour Girl contest first in the cougar group. I think I came in 17th overall. I thought that was pretty good considering how many entered. But I thought my best asset was my legs in heels and hose, so I was waiting to enter that contest which I did. I really did not know what you were looking for after looking at previous contests, but I figured it is a Sexy Legs contest, so I looked for pics that I felt showed my legs at their best. Many of my pictures are a little too sexy so I did not want to just submit that kind of shot. So I figured, if they are looking for a quality picture of legs, that is what I needed to submit.
I would say if you are entering a sexy legs contest, it needs to show your legs the most. I always work on my lighting, angles, poses and have a good quality camera. Lighting is the most important in my opinion. I use my flash to bounce off my hose covered legs and it makes them shine and sparkle even more. It’s a look I enjoy to see and hopefully many do.

If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
I am mainly on Flickr and have posted there since 2010. Those that have a login can see all my pics which I currently have over 2500 with about 33M+ views with over 6000 followers and counting.
My ID there is phlove99. Phlove is pantyhose love as you will see I have them on in every pic.

Would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there or give a closing statement?
The CD community and those that support us have been great to me over the years. I am grateful for their support and encouragement and hope I can offer the same to others in this community. I have been fortunate to have made some good friends beyond the CD portion of our life and hope they continue to grow.
I hope someday I will be out of this closet and my wife will understand and accept this part of me as well. It’s a struggle I know many of us face in our lives and each have our own journey to take. I wish everyone peace in their lives and be safe in this challenging time.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Lauren and congratulations once again. We look forward to seeing you in our contests again next year.

Would you like to share your story and become an Eye Candy Girl?
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