Glamour Boutique

Eye Candy of the Month: Alexis Rae Moon

Alexis Rae

Introducing our Eye Candy of the Month: Alexis Rae Moon

This month’s Eye Candy is inspired by our Glamour Girl Photo Contest. We first met this cutie during last year’s Contest as she caught our judges eye making it to the Top 20 in both the Cougar and Newcomer categories. We were excited to see this self proclaimed rocker and geek girl back in the contest this year and now in our Eye Candy feature. Let’s say hello to our April 2020 Eye Candy, Alexis Rae Moon.

Hi Alexis. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Why don’t we start by letting our readers know where you are from?
I’ve lived in and around the Chicago area my entire life.

When did you first start dressing and how did it come about?
I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to wear women’s clothing…I was probably five the first time I felt the urge, but I would have to say I was 13 the first time I tried on a pair of my mom’s heels. That’s the age when my parents would occasionally leave my younger brother and I at home. I had always been infatuated with high heels, and the first opportunity I had, it was as if I literally couldn’t stop myself! That eventually spread to nylons and the occasional dress, but it never went much beyond that until much later. But there’s no question that I had fantasized about dressing like a girl long before it actually happened.

How did you come up with your Femme name?
I’ve been through several femme names over the years, but none of them ever felt quite right. There’s a woman at my office named Alexis, and it struck me that it had just the right amount of femininity and “sass.” “Moon” is somewhat derived from my real last name, and something about “Rae” just seemed to fit in the middle. Maybe it’s in honor of Rey from Star Wars (I’m a huge nerd, too, BTW). I’ve been going by Lexi more often these days. It’s a little more playful, and Lexi Moon just sounds like a great rock star name, to me.

How often do you dress?
Not often enough! It comes and goes, depending on my schedule. With work, a family, and a band, there’s not a lot of “downtime” to be Lexi, and I’m very much in the closet, so I really need alone time to dress.

Are you married/in a relationship? If yes, are you able to share your female self with your partner?
I am married, and though she knows that I like to dress, she prefers not to participate. So, I do my best to honor her wishes!

What are some of your favorite outfits/fashions?
I suppose there’s nothing unique about this, but short skirts (skater style, because they enhance the hips), heels of all kinds, and cute bras. But my absolute total weakness is for patterned tights! I love the endless variety and how they look on my legs. I would wear patterned tights every day if I could! I like to try for that balance between cute, sexy, and classy, but not slutty.

Stockings or pantyhose?
As I mentioned, patterned tights are my jam. If I had to choose, probably panty hose, just because I find stockings a pain in the neck. They’re sexy, but never seem to stay up!

Heels or flats?
Heels (I can’t believe this is even a question for crossdressers! 🙂 )

Favorite places to go when dressed?
Honestly, I don’t get out in public that much. I’ve been out driving numerous times, and been out walking in several different cities while traveling, but that’s about it.

Go to accessories for a night out
If I’m going out, I have to have dangling earrings! The weight and the movement just feel so feminine, it’s a little touch that completes the transformation.

Who is/are your female role model(s) and why?
I’m going for two here, one real and one fictional: Real – Lzzy Hale (lead singer of Halestorm). Not only is she an amazing singer, but her lyrics are totally empowering and inspirational. She’s very much into lifting up people who might feel marginalized, or feel like outcasts, and her social media posts to raise awareness for mental health issues have been helpful to so many people. Check out the lyrics to “Freak Like Me,” “Here’s to Us,” or “I Am the Fire.” Lzzy is strong, sexy, talented, and a fantastic role model.

Fictionally, the character of Death from Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” graphic novels. If you aren’t familiar with the comics, this isn’t the creepy, shrouded, silent being – but a totally unique take on Death. Gaiman presents her (that’s the first difference – Death is a her) as a 16-year old Goth-chick, with a super-bubbly personality and optimistic outlook. Again, she’s smart and caring, but takes her responsibilities very seriously. Basically, if this was the being that helps transition you to the afterlife, then dying wouldn’t be so scary!

Why don’t you tell our readers some fun facts about yourself. Do you have any hobbies (either when dressed or not), likes, things you do in your spare time or anything else you would like to share?
I’m a guitar player. For a while, as a teen, I aimed to become a famous rock and roll star! Obviously, that didn’t quite work out as planned, but I feel like I’ve ended up right where I need to be in life. Lately, I’ve been on a songwriting binge, and self-producing an album that I plan to release as Lexi. A few weeks back it hit me that that is who’s really writing these songs. It’s the perfect marriage of both of my main passions in life! Besides that, I love to read, write, and I’m a huge Star Wars nerd.

Any stories you would like to share about yourself and your journey?
My first time out en femme was for a Halloween party in 2008. I had fantasized about dressing as a woman for Halloween since I was in junior high, but it took until 36 years old to finally work up the nerve, and get my wife to go along with it! Since it was an election year, we knew there’d be lots of Sarah Palin’s, but I thought it would be entertaining if there was a guy dressed as her. Since this was before I had my own stash of clothes, I needed to borrow something from my wife, which she was surprisingly ok with. But I’ll never forget as I was trying on a pair of heeled boots to go with the costume, she asked “doesn’t that feel really feminine?” Yes, it did. And yes, it was awesome! Of course, I didn’t say that at the time, but I knew in heart that this was meant to be. More importantly, I finally had an excuse to go out and get a wig, which was what really set me down the path I’m on. Seeing myself as a woman, and not just as a dude wearing women’s clothes, was life-changing. And the best part? Several times at the party, people didn’t even realize right away that I wasn’t a woman. It was right after this that I realized that this was a part of who I am, and not something that was going to go away. The last 10 years have been interesting, as I struggled to come to grips with what this means, and how to be honest with my wife about it. Therapy was a big help, and though I’m not 100% of the way there, it keeps getting better!

If you have social media, what is the best way for others to follow you?
I post a ton of pictures over on Flickr – just search for AlexisRaeMoon72. Also, I’ve started a video blog, Lexi’s Vinyl Vault, where I talk about my favorite records and how they affected my life. If you’re into rock music or record collecting – and crossdressing – check it out! Plus, I always wrap up every episode by showing off the outfit of the week. I’ve only got three episodes up so far, but I hope to grow this into something really cool. If you like it, please follow me!

Before we go Lexi, would you like to send a message to your fellow girls out there?
My advice to other crossdressers out there – be kind to yourself. We live in a society that wants to make us feel like there’s something wrong with us, but there isn’t. Of all the things someone could do in life, wearing the clothes of the opposite sex is about as harmless as you can get. But I know how hard it can be to feel comfortable in your skin, too. Be patient – learning to accept myself as a crossdresser took a lot longer than I thought it would, or should. But nobody can make you feel good about yourself but you. Waiting for someone else to validate you in a losing game. You might not get there tomorrow, or next week, or even next year, but relax, stay pretty, and just be nice.

Well said Lexi. Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us and good luck with Lexi’s Vinyl Vault. I’m sure our readers will be checking that out.

For more Eye Candy, check out our blog.

Glamour Boutique and our readers want to hear your story. If you’d like to be an Eye Candy Girl, email us at or message us on our Facebook Page.

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