Glamour Boutique

Caption Contest Winners 2015


Thank-you once again for sending in all the entries for the Holiday Season Caption Competition with the over-indulgent Santa Claus a little worse for wear. You have kept us chuckling this past month with your witty observations and a big thank-you to the ‘usual suspects’ who never cease to amaze us year after year with between 5 and 15 entries each in one go!!. Re-reading them all again this week to do the judging and they are still just as funny! It is always hard to pick just 3 so we pulled 3 names from our hat containing the Top 10 captions and the 3 chosen all get a shopping coupon worth $50 to use on

Probably the most common of themes for this years captions was to do with hairy legs, shaving or a combination. For those of you that also managed to create captions featuring our services/products we applaud your inventiveness but I assure you we do not give extra weight to such GB-friendly ‘plugs’, no matter how tempting!

Thank-you to all who took the trouble to email us with an entry, we appreciate you taking out time especially during the holiday season. Well done to all the noteables mentioned here and a big ‘congratulations’ to the Top 3 who all receive a $50 Coupon to shop at

Our Top 3 Captions each receive a $50 Coupon to use at has succeeded in putting Santa in the unemployed category. MICKEY

OK, I’ve shown you my beard. Now you show me yours. UM-OK

No occifer, I’m not under the affluence of incohol. And yes, those are my reindeer. JOAN

Rest of the Top 10:

I fear the crew at Glamour Boutique will lose all respect for me if they see me now! What a disgrace, unshaven bare legs-no stockings and just look at these brows!

The wanted ad said “Distribute stockings at Christmas” wow did I really misunderstand that phrase!?

Now you drink the other half. Then we’ll shave each other’s legs.

That stinkin elf stole my pants again.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

“I must have been here awhile, my leg hair grew back already.”…

Santa after finding out most of his elves were crossdressing secretly under there work outfits.

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