Glamour Boutique

Dealing with Unwanted Facial Hair

Don’t let facial hair tamper your look!

Unwanted facial hair can be a challenge for many girls. Our resident makeup artist, Rana believes the traditional wet-shave method to be the most common method for stubborn facial hair removal but, more and more girls are expressing to us their methods of facial hair removal. If you’re looking for new ways to get rid of facial hair, let’s find out what over girls are doing to rid themselves of their 5 o’clock shadow.

The following hair removal methods seem to be the most commonly used by our customers:

Laser and electrolysis for permanent hair removal

From feedback, we hear that laser and electrolysis seem to be the most proficient methods for removing facial hair permanently. Though, they are by far the most expensive. Which, is why they are not ideal for most CD and TG woman. But, the results of these treatments are everlasting and will make all the difference in passing as a woman. Think of all the trouble you will be ridding yourself of. No more beard cover, no more 5 o’clock shadow, and no more SHAVING!

Hair removal creams

Hair removal creams are indeed an effective way to get rid of facial hair as well. However, some of our customers have expressed some of their concerned about these types of creams. They warn, that if you have sensitive skin do not apply these products to your face. Some creams have been known to burn the skin and no one wants their delicate face to have a rash on it. That would be awful. Before using any new hair removal creams I would test it out on the forearm before applying to your face. This way, you can check for any allergic reactions or side effects.  Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. However, some of these creams work very well for customers and they are fairly cheap and long lasting. A good investment if you ask me.

Waxing to remove unwanted facial hair

Wax is a very traditional way of removing facial hair. There are many pros to waxing areas around the chin and top lip-hair doesn’t grow back right away, and you get a nice clean look. It can really re-create your face and really help feminize your look. As facial hair is a dead give away to any CD or TG woman, waxing makes sure all the hair removed from the root. It is a more affordable option than electrolysis or laser treatment. But, people with delicate facial skin should avoid waxing; as burning can occur.

Wet shaving

Lastly, a wet shave seems to be the ideal compromise for most girls. It is quick, easy, and can be performed at home. The only negative aspect of shaving would be small cuts, razor burns, and that pesky 5 o’clock shadow. However, having good technique could remove all of these negative aspects of shaving. The following instructions are to help one ensures the closest of shaves every time:

1. Bathe or shower first to allow the facial skin pores to open and the hair follicles to soften

2. Wash the area to be wet shaved thoroughly

3. Apply a good quality shaving foam and ensure you massage as you apply to soften the hair follicles further

4. Always use a clean, sharp razor with at least 2 blades and soak in a hot bowl of water prior to use

5. Shaving WITH the grain, remove the hair/stubble from the immediate area ensuring you cleanse the blade in hot water between each stroke

6. Apply shaving foam to the stubborn areas a second time and this time shave AGAINST the grain to ensure a really close shave

7. Rinse off in cool water and allow the skin to ‘rest’ prior to make-up application

Follow these simple steps and you will be assured a close shave and thus helping minimize the amount of beard concealer and foundation you may have to use when dressing up. If you still need assistance, read our other blog post “How To Get Rid Of 5 o’clock Shadow” for more tips and tricks. If anyone has any other facial hair removal tips that you think our readers may find helpful then please email them to a $10 Discount Voucher for use in the online store to the first 5 tips sent in – one voucher per person only.

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