Glamour Boutique

Can’t Wax, Won’t Wax; A Crossdressers Conundrum

One of the challenges faced by many crossdressers is that of hair and solutions for removal. Some are lucky enough where electrolysis, waxing or other methods enjoyed by women can be part of their own beautification. There are those dressers who manage to include some hair removal on certain parts of the body without arousing too much suspicion. Eyebrows can be slowly thinned and shaped over a period of weeks or even months using occasional plucking, waxing or electrolysis for example. But, care must always be taken to do slowly and subtly. But for many more crossdressers permanent or even semi-permanent hair removals is just not possible due to the reaction from close family and friends and/or the stigma from people in general.

What are the most common areas of the body that require the removal or masking of body hair and what are the quick easy methods to achieve similar results without permanent removal? Main body parts/areas needing attention are:

There is no doubt that for many the wonderful feeling of being clean shaven/hairless when wearing women’s clothing, lingerie and hosiery is something all crossdressers should experience even if just once. But if this is not possible then purely from an aesthetic viewpoint, girls should attempt some easy fixes to mask as much hair as possible. Not only does excessive hair act as a ‘tell’ giving you away as a dresser but obscuring hair makes you feel much more genuine and authentic as a girl when you look in the mirror.

For all girls out there unable to wax or use electrolysis but who want to do as much as possible to hide excess body hair what are the easy fixes?


First of all a note of caution: of all the areas of the body the eyebrows demand the most care and attention with regards to making any permanent or semi-permanent changes. Waxing, electrolysis or even plucking must be treated conservatively. If you do too much in one go then we can almost guarantee many people from friends, family and fellow workers will notice ‘something different about you’. If this scenario is a risk then our advice is don’t do it. The most basic fix for when you’re dressed is simply to master how to draw in a more feminine brow shape with a pencil. Further enhancement can be with the use of eye/facelift tape to lift the brow into a more feminine shape prior to make-up application.

Should you still require a bit more extreme solution than in tandem with using the tape method to re-shape the brows we also recommend the use of Miracle Eyebrow Wax. This is a cheap and effective fix for male eyebrows. The wax is used by makeup artists in the film and theater industry and masks the brows in minutes. A layer of fixative ensures the wax stays in place, dries it hard and then allows for the foundation to be applied. Eyebrow stencil kits then allow for a female shape brow to be easily drawn in – hey presto, your male brows have gone.


Who wouldn’t want to do away with facial shaving all together? Even as a male many can see the attraction to never having to shave the face again. We meet many customers that have been having electrolysis in the facial area over a period of months to slowly thin out particularly heavy beards. Again, care must always be taken to change your facial appearance slowly so that those you come into contact with regularly in your guy life are none the wiser. The main method used by all of us in our drab life is the good old wet shave which gets a much closer shave than an electric shaver. We recommend you spend money on a decent 3 blade razor and shave twice. Take your time, and shave at least 2 to 4 hours before make-up application to allow the skin time to recover. Remember to shave lower down the neck than normal particularly if you are not wearing a high-neck dress or top.

The other must-have for ensuring good quality hair removal for the face is a good Beard Cover. Beard cover acts as an undercoat to your foundation. A good wet shave regime in partnership with beard cover will ensure no signs of a shadow when you are dressed. Further enhancement can be made by using a makeup primer before applying the beard cover. One of the ingredients in good primers is silicone which helps fill in any tiny indentations in the skin’s surface and so helps enhance the hairless perfect finish to your makeover.

Chest and torso

This is a difficult one if you are in the situation shared by the majority. Hair removal from this area of the body, which can be one of the more dense areas, would almost certainly be noticed by your nearest and dearest. Whilst it is becoming more common for men to wax and uses electrolysis in these areas to suddenly start would almost certainly raise more questions that may be worth dealing with. Introducing one of the crossdresser’s best friends: a beard trimmer. Armed with a trimmer set to the longest setting you can at least shorten the more dense patches like the chest. As always be careful and go slowly.

If you cannot use any hair removal methods then your best friends are going to be high-neck tops or dresses or wear an opaque beige bodystocking or teddy as a foundation to block the unsightly hair.

Arms and legs

Another area of the body that is a dead giveaway as to your true gender is the arms, legs, and hands when dressing en femme, particularly if you are hairy and dark-haired at that. The simplest solutions for the arms are long sleeve tops and dresses. If you wear women’s clothing the chances are the sleeve length will be short showing your hairy wrists and hands so look to specialist CD clothing stores like who sell proportionally correct tops and dresses. Look for garments like the Busty Bell Sleeve Shirt with its extra long bell sleeves made to cover the back of the hands to the knuckles. Another simple solution is the use of gloves to help mask hand and forearm hair.

Show me a crossdresser who doesn’t love having sexy, shapely legs and it’ll be the first one I’ve ever met. Legs are one of the easiest parts of the body to transform. A good pair of beige opaque pantyhose that will obliterate unsightly hair and even varicose veins is a great solution especially when you wear a different colored pair of stockings on top – even fishnets.

If you have a particularly dark and dense hand, arm and leg hair then again slowly, over time begin to introduce the beard trimmer to thin out and shorten the hair. Whilst fo many you can never to get to the position of completely shaving clean you should be able to get to a situation of having much less noticeable hair. This gives you more options as you can then just use good quality sheer hosiery to give enough coverage over your now shorter hair.

So there you have the options open to you with regards hair removal for the different parts of the body. By far the easiest solutions without causing raised eyebrows from those closest to you are the clothing options. From full coverage dresses to opaque pantyhose and gloves available from make sure you have such staples in your closet so you are never caught short. If you are careful, patient and can get away with minimizing hair over a long period of time then invest in a good beard trimmer but GO SLOWLY. No matter how good it looks to be hairless it is not worth upsetting those close to you by taking such a radical step. Just consider the implications on others.

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